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Radio dropped today on most streaming services. It’s one of the lost tracks recorded with The Pollynoses circa…hmmm….2003?? This song was recorded in the top floor walk up apartment of Matt Roth in the East Village. (brilliant engineer AND musician AND songwriter you may know as Major Matt Mason U.S.A. and Schwervon and Broken Heart Syndrome) Scott MX Turner’s drum kit was set up ON a mattress so we wouldn’t disturb the neighbors. I remember Scott bouncing like crazy, and wondering how in the HELL he was able to hold it down.

Tony Tone commented on I.G. yesterday that this was maybe the most difficult song he ever played! Lol, I don’t know why that strikes me as so FUNNY. I’m no freaking Mozart. It’s just a dumb punk rock pop song. I assumed he was referring to the key changes, but Tony pointed out the timing is weird. Yeah, what do you know, I wasn’t able to count 4 even beats when I thought about it. What is it? 7/8? 4/4 then 3/4? ugh. My brain does NOT process music the traditional way, I may never know.

All I know is key changes and weird time signature aside, it feels like it should feel, flows like it should flow. To my ears, I don’t even hear the modulation, nor realize it’s there til I go to play it.