Ladies Inclusion Pestering Scheme

This week: Message or call Orange Door Music Video and THANK them for taking steps to include more women on their playlists! Facebook Message them call 1-888-679-7422 email Continue reading for full story. My two little messages to the restaurant then to the streaming company already made a difference. Imagine the further impact YOUR one extra contact will have??

Great news! In determining who to pester this month, I found it quite easy raise awareness for the need to elevate the number of women represented in music.

It began at Billy Joe’s Ribs, finger licking BBQ with breathtaking Hudson river views in Newburgh, NY. I noticed a half hour into our dinner that they had not played one female artist over the speakers. We heard The Beatles, The Eagles, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, so many other classic rock. And I waited. And waited. One and a half hours. Not one. Zero. ZERO female artists. Is zero even a number? That’s arguable, but one thing is certain. Even if it is a number, it holds no value. Well, I don’t have to explain to YOU how insulting that it.

So I called facebook messaged the venue the next day. The person on the other end explained that they use a music service, Orange Door, who pumps songs randomly into their venue. (I’m not a statistician, but I do know that excluding about 50% of the population 100% of the time is not random.) I was surprised that there were these venue music streaming services, though. I guess growing up, there was Muzak, a service that pumped elevator music into doctor’s offices and well…elevators.

So….I found Orange Door on Facebook and messaged them. Although they put the blame back on the venue, saying the venue chose their music and it wasn’t random, they did say they’d look into it!!!!