GREAT email from Spotify today

So I got this in my inbox today from Spotify alerting me to a “hub” of ALL women. Women music artists, women podcasters, women play lists. I’m hyper sensitive to injustice toward women. 10% of Rolling Stones greatest songwriters of all time are women. Or not much more that that % ever win the American Songwriter contest. What’s her face Alli Hagnedorf, “head of rock” at Spotify, almost NEVER touts a sister (looking good, though, girl! Maybe I’ll catch you at the next NYC Marathon) This, Spotify? This is AMAZING. “This past March, in celebration of International Women’s Day, Spotify unveiled our new EQUAL hub—our most recent commitment to fostering equity for women in music globally. Today, we’re taking that promise one step further with the launch of our EQUAL Global Music Program.”

No, it’s not artificial sweetener. It’s Spofity’s SWEET effort to even the playing field for females!